Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman

God created man and woman to have children and multiply, so imagine if everyone became gay and women went with women and men went with men the human race would become extinct. I know that this scenario would be unlikely, because of the amount of straight people that would still be in the world, but look at how ludicrous it is for a man to want to go with a man and a woman wanting to go with a woman. Common sense and moral conscience tells us that it is not right.

God has given us a moral conscience to know what is right and what is wrong, but most of humanity have allowed Satan and his hordes of demons to deceive and corrupt their minds. That’s why the Bible says they will call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20. Those of us who do not accept this to be normal are then labelled as the ones who are in the wrong and even seen to be evil. Here is what the Word of God has to say about people who want to live that kind of life style. Psalm 14:3, Romans 1:22-24, Romans 1:25-27.

The following is the title of an article from Premier Christian News.

Church leaders encouraged to sign declaration affirming traditional Christian view on sex, marriage, identity. Read more


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