What does the bible have to say about meteorites and asteroids falling to the earth? Jesus said there will be signs in heaven and in
Year: 2022
Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman
God created man and woman to have children and multiply, so imagine if everyone became gay and women went with women and men went with
Prayer To Break Depression
Many people are going through depression and need an answer, rather than having to take antidepressants. As a Christian from my experience and attacks of
We can have an assurance of salvation and eternal life.
Because of what Christ has done we can have that assurance of salvation as long as we continue to walk in obedience to the Word
The Holy Spirit Comes And dwells Within Us
For the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within us we must first repent and have our sins forgiven. We have to trust God and
The Temple Of The Holy Spirit
The Bible teaches that when we are born again the Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us, our body’s then become the temple of the
The Fall Of Man
Let’s look at what the Bible says about the creation of man to get an understanding why man failed to keep the commandment of God.Genesis
Adam And Eve’s Disobedience To God
God created Adam and gave him a specific command When God created Adam and Eve he created them perfect and created a perfect environment for
What Is Salvation? And how to be saved.
The need for salvation came into the human race when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command and ate from the tree of knowledge of good