The Suffering Of Christ Was Foretold

God In His Word Foretold The Birth, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ.

Hundreds of years before Jesus Christ was born, God through His Word had revealed that Jesus Christ was destined to come into the world to suffer and, die for the sins of humanity. Isaiah 53:4-5

Way back in the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God’s command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:16-17.

Adam and Eve Disobeyed God’s Command.

After Adam and Eve sinned, God then demonstrated that there had to be a sacrifice made to redeem humanity from sin, when He killed the first animal and took the skin of the animal to cover them. (Genesis 3:21). In the scriptures Jesus Christ is also referred to as the lamb of God. (John 1:29).

The Birth Of Jesus Foretold.

God Foretold the birth of Jesus Christ by a virgin hundreds of years before he was born. (Isaiah 7:14). This Word was fulfilled when the virgin Mary was visited by Gabriel the angel to give her the news that she was going to miraculously conceive and bring forth a son. (Luke 1:26-32).

It Was Foretold That None Of His Bones Would Be Broken.

It was also foretold that not one of his bones will be broken, because back in those days when someone was crucified, if they weren’t dead after a certain time when evening was approaching when the Jews would be preparing for the Sabbath they would brake the legs of those crucified to make sure they died, so they can take the bodies down from the cross and bury them before the Sabbath. This was foretold through King David in (Psalm 34:20) that not one of his bones will be broken. We can read about the fulfilment of this in (John 19:31-33).

It Was Foretold That Jesus Would Be Pierced By His Hands And His Feet.

It was also foretold through King David in (Psalm 22:16) that Jesus would be pierced in his hands and feet.

It Was Foretold That They Would Part His Garments.

When Jesus was crucified they parted his garments by casting lots just as the scripture foretold through King David (Psalm 22:18). We can read the fulfilment of this in (Matthew 27:35).

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